Leah Lorna Lifestyle Photography » blog

my waaaaaaaay!

 I’d have to classify myself as a musical person. Not that I’d want to which is a wierd thing but I have always LOVED to sing. I dreamed of being in musical theater but was turned down for the 2 plays I auditioned for and then just never did anything else. Except bob she bobs. Anywho last weekend some friends and I went to Nanta the Korean Karaoke Bar and I seriously lost ALL sense of control of myself. Give me a mike and a stage and I’ll go nuts!

 Those two pictures are NOTHING compared to the video and shots other friends got. Seriously after my turn each time I would just hover by the stage front and if no one got up in the first 10 seconds of the song I was up there!

I sang about 10 songs in total. I duet-ted with 2 random fellows. There may of been lap sitting, swaying, twirling, crumping, and hand moving along as I sing Whitney Houston style. So consider this a disclaimer when taking me out to sing karaoke. I will probably embarrass myself beyond reason but I will most likely be a form of entertainment!

Being musical and having the ability to play piano has been a blessing and a curse some times in my life. December has been crazy. I am singing in 4 performances coming up and accompanying a total of about 20 songs. One is the institute choir’s Christmas concert which all are encouraged to attend.

Oh, and I also quit my job. Lots of reasons have gone into this decision. I’m FINALLY going to have some time for myself and for working on my degree (my piano teaching arct with the RCM). Tuesday I was gone from my house for 13 hrs and then came home and played the piano for another hour. My schedule was like this last year too. Something had to change and soon! So I can’t wait for January when I finally have time to focus on my website and branding and everything photography! Wahooo.

So expect pricing updates soon and I’ll be updating with more pictures too! Just for those interested in business plans OR have any questions please ask away here! It’s a new questionaire thingy my sister told me about and think it’s just great! Seriously ask away. Anything at allllll! They can be photography questions, editing questions, business questions (what I plan on charging and why, will I offer prints or cd’s, why do photographers only offer prints sometimes) whatever you’d like!

  • PamH - Um wasn’t it Bop She Bops? lol.ReplyCancel

  • Leah - ha YES! I looked at that and said, hmmm something is off about that but couldn’t figure it out!!ReplyCancel

  • Katie Wood - Oh Leah!!!! I love it!! Ha this was the best thing I’ve seen alllllll month long!ReplyCancel

  • AKutarna - wow can we PU-LEASE do this sometimeReplyCancel

  • Katelyn - You have always been obsessed with music! It’s great to have a passion. Good luck with all of your singing and accompanying this month.ReplyCancel

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