People can label themselves as extrovert or introvert and I know of a few photographers that label themselves as an extrovert introverts and I would have to classify myself under that category. I am awkward and only because I make it that way. I think most situations that are a little bit awkward are ALOT awkward and now it’s my roommates new favorite thing to make such situations… and I thank them for that…. NOT! :o)
I’m all for working on whatever your not good at though and my room mate Alida helped me out by going on a shoot with me and my two new film cameras. The sad thing was I hadn’t loaded the film in either of them right and not a single frame was shot. LUCKILY i brought my digital SLR as backup and I’m so glad I did.
Feast your eyes on the gorgeousness that is my roomate leets.
PamH - Oh my goodness I love these!!!! Funny about your film…you’ll get it right soon enough! But these are really so awesome.
arianne bieber - Hot Tamale!!!! Who knew winter pictures could be so lovely. Where did you take these??
AKutarna - was this at sandy beach? I think I recognize that bridge maybe?? Anyways BF you look smokin’ as always. Good job Leah!
Katelyn - Loved these pics! I’m glad you two live together.